External ID#


This approach requires the Uniform Customer Profile module. Please contact Service Desk if you don’t have this module enabled.


Any customer string field can be made an external ID field by adding the external_id tag to the suitable attribute. This process is described in the User manual and the additional requirements for an external ID customer field are:

  • it is only possible for string type attributes

  • the field name should not match any extension names

  • the field name should minimize any confusion with any third party systems e.g., newsletterproviders


External IDs can be be currently used on the following endpoints:

External IDs are supported for every endpoint listed in the Customer API in the following format:



A customer merge request using a POST requests to https://api.region.api.antavo.com/customers/external_id_field:external_id_value/merge

//request body:
"source": "{external_field:external_id_value}"
"target": "{external_field:external_id_value}"

External IDs are supported for every endpoint listed in the Display API in the following format:




External IDs are supported for the Entities API endpoints in the following format:

https://api.region.antavo.com/custom entity collection/custom entity ID/external_field:external_customer_id



External IDs support for Events submitted to Antavo to the Events API require an external_id field.


   "action": "point_add",
   "customer": "1234-5678-9123",
   "external_id": "loyalty_barcode",
   "data": {


This API will be deprecated in the near future. Please use the reward section in the Display API for future projects.

This module has two distinct forms:

  1. /rewards endpoint

    An external_id query parameter is used


    A GET request http://region.api.antavo.com/rewards?customer=customer_id&external_id=external_id_field

  1. /rewards/{reward_id}/claim endpoint

    An external_id fields is included in the request body


    A POST request http://api.{region}.antavo.com/rewards/{reward_id}/claim

    request body:
       "customer": "{customer_id}",
       "external_id": "{external_id_field}"

Bulk Submission#

Bulk endpoints process submission on one-by-one basis and thus it is possible to submit data containing both customer ID and external ID.

A typical submission to the /entities/bulk endpoint showcasing mixed customer ID and external ID entries.

   "entities": [
            "method": "PUT",
            "type": "core/customer",
            "id": "CUST000001",
            "data": {
               "barcode": "1234-5678-9123"
            "method": "POST",
            "type": "core/customer",
            "id": "loyalty_barcode:1234-5678-9123",
            "data": {
               "first_name", "Test"
            "method": "GET",
            "type": "core/customer",
            "id": "CUST000001"

   "error_handling": "pre-check"

A typical submission to the /events/bulk endpoint showcasing mixed customer ID and external ID entries.

"events": [
      "customer": "CUST000001",
      "action": "opt_in",
      "data": {
            "loyalty_barcode": "1234-5678-9123"
      "customer": "1234-5678-9123",
      "external_id": "loyalty_barcode",
      "action": "profile",
      "data": {
      "customer": "CUST000001",
      "action": "point_add",
      "data": {
            "points": 1

It is also possible to access customers in the back office



It is currently not possible to create a customer using an external ID. Internal integrations, such as the salesforce salescloud module, can create customer using an external ID. However, this uses a different internal-only mechanism.