Antavo APIs#

The primary functions of the Antavo Enterprise Loyalty Cloud are accessible using different APIs. Antavo provides REST APIs accessible with standard HTTP verbs GET and POST to issue requests. All of the Antavo APIs take requests in form URL encoded format and send responses in JSON, including error messages.

The APIs are usually grouped together by the resources they access, manipulate or create. Each API can be downloaded as OpenAPI 3 yaml file and there is also a corresponding POSTMAN collection of all available APIs. POSTMAN

Events API OpenAPI

The key interface which records every customer-related interaction from ecommerce systems, point of sale, web sites, mobile app or any external system.

Events API
Display API OpenAPI

This is the main headless API which is used to build the customer loyalty experience.

Display API
Administration API OpenAPI

A collection of API calls which are used in accessing and administrating the Loyalty Automation tool.

Administration API
Automation Campaigns OpenAPI

Queries information about the assembled campaigns in the Loyalty Automation tool.

Automation Campaigns API
Coupon API OpenAPI

Customer-independent API calls for querying coupon usage.

Coupons API
Customers API OpenAPI

The Interface for providing a personalized customer experience to your customers without jeopardizing their privacy.

Customer API
Entities API OpenAPI

Access and modify generic models in Antavo. An example is provided using rewards.

Entities API
Leaderboard API OpenAPI

Lists and interacts with your top customers in your mobile application, reactive website or in your CRM.

Leaderboard API
Levels API OpenAPI

This lists currently available levels (tiers) for a given customer id.

Level API
Offers API OpenAPI

Access pre-purchase incentives which can be tailored to draw new customers or reinvigorate a pre-existing loyalty customer base.

Offers API
Rewards API OpenAPI

This access rewards system in the Loyalty Platform. This also enables rewards redemption in external systems e.g., CRM mobile applications.

Rewards API

It is strongly recommended to carefully read through documentations, particularly API fundamentals, API security and each individual API endpoint, to find the best approach for working with our endpoints.

The API guide also contains additional security measures which have to be adopted. The individual documentation page of each API endpoint contains information regarding the request payload and potential responses and errors. Please consult with your technical contact prior to implementation in order to discuss the best APIs approach for your business logic and to achieve the desired outcome.

Rate limiting#

All Antavo APIs are regulated according to fair use policies. Our goal is to maintain the highest quality of service for all clients, across all our environments. For this reason, there is a cumulative limit of 1000 requests per minute across all Antavo endpoints for each API key. Exceeding this limit will result in requests being blocked depending on the current load of the Antavo servers. Error handling and monitoring should be implemented to ensure that the blocking scenario is avoided. Performance issues should be taken into consideration when accessing Antavo APIs and request throttling and response caching should be used to eliminate potential performance bottlenecks and avoid hitting rate limits.

However, If the limit needs to be raised, contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss requirements and Antavo can adjust our service according to your needs

Multi-language support#

Antavo has multi-language support provided by a dedicated module which enables the key functionality of Antavo to be translated. Preconfigured languages can be accessed by using the Accept-language header field with the associated ISO 639-1 2 letter language code, e.g., en, es, fr, hu, in in the API request.

POST /customers/1ec2016c-cfed-484f-aa04-38ad658d8f6f/activities/rewards/5f0360e4a7b7c714000008af/claim HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-language: en
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0

// Response
"id": "619f96e501f50f1d1a000025",
"spent": 100,
"last_claimed_at": "2021-11-25T14:00:06+00:00",
"coupon": {
    "code": "Cheese-20-9397-6689",
    "status": "claimed",
    "created_at": "2021-11-25T14:00:05+00:00",
    "customer": {
        "id": "1ec2016c-cfed-484f-aa04-38ad658d8f6f"
    "name": "Cheese Lovers rewards",
    "claimed_at": "2021-11-25T14:00:05+00:00",
    "expires_at": "2021-12-25T23:59:59+00:00",
    "type": "percentage",
    "value": 20
POST /customers/1ec2016c-cfed-484f-aa04-38ad658d8f6f/activities/rewards/5f0360e4a7b7c714000008af/claim HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-language: hu
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0

// Response
"id": "619f96e501f50f1d1a000026",
"spent": 100,
"last_claimed_at": "2021-11-25T14:00:06+00:00",
"coupon": {
    "code": "Cheese-20-9397-6690",
    "status": "claimed",
    "created_at": "2021-11-25T14:02:01+00:00",
    "customer": {
        "id": "1ec2016c-cfed-484f-aa04-38ad658d8f6f"
    "name": "Sajtkedvelők ajándéka",
    "claimed_at": "2021-11-25T14:02:05+00:00",
    "expires_at": "2021-12-25T23:59:59+00:00",
    "type": "percentage",
    "value": 20