Understanding Antavo#

This documentation provides a technical insight into the ethos, workings, methods, and implementation of the Antavo Loyalty Engine. This includes integration with pre-existing client’s software architecture.

What is Antavo?#

The Antavo Loyalty Engine is a software as a service (SaaS) loyalty platform which can collect, gamify, process, manage and return customer loyalty data and analysis. Antavo offers a flexible multi-faceted approach to building loyalty schemes ranging from simple earn & burns and perks schemes to complex multi tiered programs and surprise & delight loyalty programs. The system tracks customer-assigned points which are awarded by numerous predefined and custom events during the customer’s lifecycle. These points can be redeemed for other incentives.

Antavo is just 100% loyalty. This clear focus enables Antavo to provide a bespoke, flexible and finely honed loyalty platform and ensures that the delivered product is not constrained to performance/product restriction due to non-loyalty components/infrastructure/requirements. This lean approach of the Antavo ELC means that the platform has been designed to readily cooperate and also be incorporated into pre-existing customer relationship management set-ups to provide a smooth and seamless loyalty experience.

The Antavo ELC is a pure play loyalty platform. It has not been designed to solely process and manage loyalty data for customers but to also enable continuous deep customer-client relations by incorporating numerous interactive gamification experiences. These expansions encourage customers to return and engage with the loyalty program outside of the standard purchase cycle, providing both client and customer with a better deeper loyalty experience.

Configuration of Antavo ELC is made in the Antavo Management UI, the client control center for loyalty customer and events management. This web-based interface has been crafted to enable loyalty scheme configuration; instigation of loyalty tier systems, campaigns, gamification, rewards and promotions; and loyalty reports. The Antavo User manual contains detailed descriptions of the functionality and also common use cases.

Antavo is …#


The Antavo Loyalty Engine has been designed from scratch to be headless and connects with commercial platforms, point of sale systems, ERPs and virtually any external systems using application programming interfaces, APIs. Fine direct access to the core functionality and underlying data is possible via high performance, low latency, robust REST APIs. Data integrity and security is maintained using key-based signing mechanisms. There are also prebuilt SDK for Javascript and PHP for seamless integration of loyalty information into pre-existing web frontend frameworks. Antavo also has pre-built integrations that rapidly expedite the incorporation of Antavo technology into existing marketing setups. This strong headless approach means that Antavo does not provide a dedication frontend solution/interface.

Event driven#

Events are at the very core of Antavo Loyalty Engine with every customer-related action recorded as an event within the event-based system. Events can be used to trigger various workflows and can be used to create different customer audiences. Events also provide an overview and history of customer interactions. Events must be attributed to a customer as data is retained primarily for understanding and keeping customers. However, anonymized customer actions can be sent in to measure the performance of your program. This can include, but is not limited to, purchase and behavioral data. In such cases, an anonymous customer profile should be created and events sent in with their respective identifier.


The Antavo Loyalty Engine is a modular platform. Antavo’s modules are additional low dependency stand-alone components that offer a new loyalty-related feature. These modules have a simple straightforward configuration and installation process and thus enable a rapid initial program deployment. Modules can also be activated at any stage during the loyalty program’s lifecycle providing stepwise site enhancement and also as a response to your business needs.